
Documentation on the object representing a Mod

Module storing representation of the mod objects

class modio.mod.Mod(**attrs)[source]

Represent a modio mod object.

Filter-Only Attributes

These attributes can only be used at endpoints which return instances of this class and takes filter arguments. They are not attached to the object itself and trying to access them will cause an AttributeError

sort_downloads : str
Sort argument, provide to sort function to sort by most/least downloaded
sort_popular : str
Sort argument, provide to sort function to sort by most/least popular
sort_rating : str
Sort argument, provide to sort function to sort by weighed rating
sort_subscribers : str
Sort argument, provide to sort function to sort by most/least subscribers

ID of the mod. Filter attribute.


Status of the mod. Filter attribute.


Visibility of the mod. Filter attribute.


ID of the game the mod is for. Filter attribute.


Instance of the modio User that submitted the mod. Filter attribute.


UNIX timestamp of the date the mod was registered. Filter attribute.


UNIX timestamp of the date the mod was last updated. Filter attribute.


UNIX timestamp of the date the mod went live. Filter attribute.


The mod logo


Link to the homepage of the mod, can be None. Filter attribute.


Name of the mod. Filter attribute.


sub_domain mod for the game ( Filter attribute.


Summary of the mod. Filter attribute.


Detailed description of the mod, supports HTML. Filter attribute.


Metadata stored by developers which may include properties on how information required. Can be None. Filter attribute.


Maturity option of the mod. Filter attribute.


URL of the mod’s modio profile


Latest released instance. Can be None. Filter attribute.


Contains mod media data (links and images)


Summary of all stats for this mod


Tags for this mod. Filter attribute.


Contains key-value metadata. Filter attribute.


description field converted into plaintext.

mod_key = 'id'
get_file(file_id: int) → modio.entities.ModFile[source]

Get the Mod File with the following ID.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

Parameters:file_id (int) – ID of the mod file you wish to retrieve
Raises:NotFound – A mod with that ID has not been found
Returns:The found modfile
Return type:ModFile
get_files(*, filters: modio.objects.Filter = None) → modio.objects.Returned[modio.entities.ModFile][modio.entities.ModFile][source]

Get all mod files for this mod. Returns a named tuple with parameters results and pagination. This method takes filtering arguments

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

Parameters:filter (Optional[Filter]) – A instance of Filter to be used for filtering, paginating and sorting results
Returns:The results and pagination tuple from this request
Return type:Returned[List[ModFile], Pagination]
get_events(*, filters: modio.objects.Filter = None) → modio.objects.Returned[modio.entities.Event][modio.entities.Event][source]

Get all events for that mod sorted by latest. Returns, a named tuple with parameters results and pagination. This method takes filtering arguments

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

Parameters:filter (Optional[Filter]) – A instance of Filter to be used for filtering, paginating and sorting results
Returns:The results and pagination tuple from this request
Return type:Returned[List[Event], Pagination]
get_tags(*, filters: modio.objects.Filter = None) → modio.objects.Returned[dict][dict][source]

Gets all the tags for this mod. Updates the instance’s tag attribute. Returns a named tuple with parameters results and pagination. This method takes filtering arguments

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

Parameters:filter (Optional[Filter]) – A instance of Filter to be used for filtering, paginating and sorting results
Returns:The results and pagination tuple from this request
Return type:Returned[List[Tag], Pagination]
get_metadata() → modio.objects.Returned[dict][dict][source]

Returns a dict of metakey-metavalue pairs. This will also update the mod’s kvp attribute.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

Returns:The results and pagination tuple from this request
Return type:Returned[List[MetaData], Pagination]
get_dependencies(*, filters: modio.objects.Filter = None) → modio.objects.Returned[dict][dict][source]

Returns a dict of dependency_id-date_added pairs. Returns a named tuple with parameters results and pagination. This method takes filtering arguments

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

Parameters:filter (Optional[Filter]) – A instance of Filter to be used for filtering, paginating and sorting results
Returns:The results and pagination tuple from this request
Return type:Returned[List[Dependency], Pagination]
get_team(*, filters: modio.objects.Filter = None) → modio.objects.Returned[modio.entities.TeamMember][modio.entities.TeamMember][source]

Returns a list of TeamMember object representing the Team in charge of the mod. This method takes filtering arguments

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

Parameters:filter (Optional[Filter]) – A instance of Filter to be used for filtering, paginating and sorting results
Returns:The results and pagination tuple from this request
Return type:Returned[List[TeamMember], Pagination]
get_comments(*, filters: modio.objects.Filter = None) → modio.objects.Returned[modio.entities.Comment][modio.entities.Comment][source]

Returns a list of all the top level comments for this mod wih comments replying to top level comments stored in the children attribute. This can be flattened using the utils.flatten function. This method takes filtering arguments

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

Parameters:filter (Optional[Filter]) – A instance of Filter to be used for filtering, paginating and sorting results
Returns:The results and pagination tuple from this request
Return type:Returned[List[Comment], Pagination]
add_comment(content: str, *, reply: int = None) → modio.entities.Comment[source]

Add a comment to the mod page. You can specify a comment to reply too.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

  • content (str) – The content of the comment
  • reply (Optional[Comment]) – The comment to reply to

The comment created

Return type:


get_stats() → modio.entities.ModStats[source]

Returns a ModStats object, representing a series of stats for the mod.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

Returns:The stats summary object for the mod.
Return type:Stats
edit(**fields) → modio.mod.Mod[source]

Used to edit the mod details. Sucessful editing will return the updated mod.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

  • status (Status) – For game admins only.
  • visible (Visibility) – Modify the game visibility
  • name (str) – Name of the mod, cannot exceed 80 characters
  • name_id (str) – Subdomain for the mod, cannot exceed 80 characters
  • summary (str) – Summary of the mod, cannot exceed 250 characters
  • description (str) – Detailed description for your mod, which can include details such as ‘About’, ‘Features’, ‘Install Instructions’, ‘FAQ’, etc. HTML supported and encouraged.
  • homepage (str) – URL to the official homepage for this mod.
  • stock (str) – Maximium number of subscribers for this mod. A value of 0 disables this limit.
  • maturity (Maturity) – Maturity option of the mod.
  • metadata (str) – Metadata stored by the mod developer which may include properties as to how the item works, or other information you need to display.

The updated version of the mod

Return type:



Delete a mod and set its status to deleted.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

add_file(file: modio.objects.NewModFile) → modio.entities.ModFile[source]

Adds a new file to the mod, to do so first construct an instance of NewModFile and then pass it to the function.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

Parameters:file (NewModFile) – The mod file to upload
Raises:modioException – file argument must be type NewModFile
Returns:The modfile after being processed by the API
Return type:ModFile
add_media(*, logo: Optional[str] = None, images: Union[str, List[str], None] = (), youtube: List[str] = (), sketchfab: List[str] = ())[source]

Upload new media to the mod.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

  • logo (Optional[str]) – Path to the logo file. If on windows, must be escaped. Image file which will represent your mods logo. Must be gif, jpg or png format and cannot exceed 8MB in filesize. Dimensions must be at least 640x360 and we recommended you supply a high resolution image with a 16 / 9 ratio. will use this logo to create three thumbnails with the dimensions of 320x180, 640x360 and 1280x720.
  • images (Optional[Union[str, list]]) – Can be either the path to a file called .zip file containing all the images or a list of paths to multiple image files. If on windows, must be escaped. Only valid gif, jpg and png images in the zip file will be processed.
  • youtube (Optional[List[str]]) – List of youtube links to be added to the gallery
  • sketchfab (Optional[List[str]]) – List of sketchfab links to the be added to the gallery.

A message confirming the submission of the media

Return type:


delete_media(*, images: Optional[List[str]] = (), youtube: Optional[List[str]] = (), sketchfab: Optional[List[str]] = ())[source]

Delete media from the mod page.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

  • images (Optional[List[str]]) – Optional. List of image filenames that you want to delete
  • youtube (Optional[List[str]]) – Optional. List of youtube links that you want to delete
  • sketchfab (Optional[List[str]]) – Optional. List sketchfab links that you want to delete
subscribe() → modio.mod.Mod[source]

Subscribe to the mod. Returns None if user is already subscribed.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

Returns:The mod that was just subscribed to, if the user was already subscribed it will return None
Return type:Mod

Unsubscribe from a mod. Returns None if the user is not subscribed.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.


Add tags to a mod, tags are case insensitive and duplicates will be removed. Tags which are not in the game’s tag_options will not be added.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

Parameters:tags (List[str]) – list of tags to be added.

Delete tags from the mod, tags are case insensitive and duplicates will be removed. Providing no arguments will remove every tag from the mod.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

Parameters:tags (List[str]) – List of tags to remove, if no list is provided, will remove every tag from the mod.

Add metadate key-value pairs to the mod. To submit new meta data, pass meta data keys as keyword arguments and meta data value as a list of values. E.g pistol_dmg = [800, 400]. Keys support alphanumeric, ‘-’ and ‘_’. Total lengh of key and values cannot exceed 255 characters. To add meta-keys which contain a dash in their name they must be passed as an upacked dictionnary.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.


mod.add_metadata(difficulty=[“hard”, “medium”, “easy”])
This will add the values “hard”, “medium” and “easy” to the meta key “difficulty”
mod.add_metadata(**{“test-var”: [“test1”, “test2”, “test3”]})
This will add the values “test1”, “test2” and “test3” to meta key “test-var”
Returns:message on the status of the successful added meta data
Return type:Message

Changes the mod rating to negative, the author of the rating will be the authenticated user. If the mod has already been negatively rated by the user it will return False. If the negative rating is successful it will return True.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.


Changes the mod rating to positive, the author of the rating will be the authenticated user. If the mod has already been positevely rated by the user it will return False. If the positive rating is successful it will return True.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

async_add_comment(content: str, *, reply: int = None) → modio.entities.Comment[source]
async_add_dependencies(dependencies: List[Union[int, Mod]])[source]
async_add_file(file: modio.objects.NewModFile) → modio.entities.ModFile[source]
async_add_media(*, logo: Optional[str] = None, images: Union[str, List[str], None] = (), youtube: List[str] = (), sketchfab: List[str] = ())[source]
async_add_team_member(email: str, level: modio.enums.Level, *, position: Optional[str] = None)[source]
async_delete_dependencies(dependencies: List[Union[int, Mod]])[source]
async_delete_media(*, images: Optional[List[str]] = (), youtube: Optional[List[str]] = (), sketchfab: Optional[List[str]] = ())[source]
async_edit(**fields) → modio.mod.Mod[source]
async_get_comments(*, filters: modio.objects.Filter = None) → modio.objects.Returned[modio.entities.Comment][modio.entities.Comment][source]
async_get_dependencies(*, filters: modio.objects.Filter = None) → modio.objects.Returned[dict][dict][source]
async_get_events(*, filters: modio.objects.Filter = None) → modio.objects.Returned[modio.entities.Event][modio.entities.Event][source]
async_get_file(file_id: int) → modio.entities.ModFile[source]
async_get_files(*, filters: modio.objects.Filter = None) → modio.objects.Returned[modio.entities.ModFile][modio.entities.ModFile][source]
async_get_metadata() → modio.objects.Returned[dict][dict][source]
async_get_owner() → modio.entities.User
async_get_stats() → modio.entities.ModStats[source]
async_get_tags(*, filters: modio.objects.Filter = None) → modio.objects.Returned[dict][dict][source]
async_get_team(*, filters: modio.objects.Filter = None) → modio.objects.Returned[modio.entities.TeamMember][modio.entities.TeamMember][source]
async_report(name: str, summary: str, report_type: modio.enums.Report = <Report.generic: 0>)
async_subscribe() → modio.mod.Mod[source]

Deletes metadata from a mod. To do so pass the meta-key as a keyword argument and the meta-values you wish to delete as a list. You can pass an empty list in which case all meta-values for the meta-key will be deleted. To delete meta-keys which contain a dash in their name they must be passed as an upacked dictionnary.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.


This will remove the value “easy” from the meta key “difficulty”
This will remove the meta key “difficulty”
mod.delete_metadata(**{“test-var”: [“test1”]})
This will remove the value “test1” from the meta key “test-var”
This will remove the meta key “test-var”
get_owner() → modio.entities.User

Get the original submitter of the resource.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

Returns:The original submitter
Return type:User
report(name: str, summary: str, report_type: modio.enums.Report = <Report.generic: 0>)

Report a this game, make sure to read’s ToU to understand what is and isnt allowed.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

  • name (str) – Name of the report
  • summary (str) – Detailed description of your report. Make sure you include all relevant information and links to help moderators investigate and respond appropiately.
  • report_type (Report) – Report type

The returned message on the success of the query.

Return type:


add_dependencies(dependencies: List[Union[int, Mod]])[source]

Add mod dependencies required by the corresponding mod. A dependency is a mod that should be installed for this mod to run.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

Parameters:dependencies (List[Union[int, Mod]]) – List of mod ids to submit as dependencies.
delete_dependencies(dependencies: List[Union[int, Mod]])[source]

Delete mod dependecies required by this mod. You must supply at least one dependency.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

Parameters:dependencies (List[Union[int, Mod]]) – List of dependencies to remove
add_team_member(email: str, level: modio.enums.Level, *, position: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Add a user to the mod team. Will fire a MOD_TEAM_CHANGED event.

This method has an async equivalent prefixed with ‘async_’. You must use Client.start before using the async equivalent.

  • email (str) – email of the user you wish to add
  • level (Level) – Level of permissions you grant the user
  • position (Optional[str]) – Title of the user position