Utility Functions

Utility functions for the library


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modio.utils.find(iterable, **fields)[source]

Finds the first item in the :attrs: iterable that has the :attrs: attr equal to :attrs: value. For example:

game = find(client.get_all_games(), id=2)

would find the first :class: Game whose id is 2 and return it. If no entry is found then None is returned.

game = find(client.get_all_games(), name=”John”)

would find the first :class: Game whose name is ‘John’. If not entry is found then None is returned

modio.utils.get(iterable, **fields)[source]

Returns a list of items in the :attrs: iterable that have the :attrs: attr equal to :attrs: value. For example:

game = get(client.get_all_games(), id=2)

would find the all :class: Game whose id is 2 and return them as a list. If no entry is found then the empty list is returned.

game = find(client.get_all_games(), name=”John”)

would find all :class: Game whose name is ‘John’. If not entry is found then an empty list is returned
