Source code for modio.utils

"""Utility functions for the library"""
from functools import wraps
import inspect
import enum
import datetime

from modio.errors import modioException

[docs]def concat_docs(cls): """Does it look like I'm enjoying this?""" attributes = [] def get_docs(parent): nonlocal attributes if parent.__name__ == "object": return docs = parent.__doc__.splitlines() if parent.__doc__ else "" if " Attributes" in docs: attributes = docs[docs.index(" Attributes") + 2 :] + attributes source = inspect.getsource(parent.__init__) source = source[source.index("):") :] if "super().__init__" in source: get_docs(parent.__base__) elif "__init__" in source: get_docs(parent.__base__.__base__) get_docs(cls) original = cls.__doc__.splitlines() if " Attributes" not in original: original.append(" Attributes") original.append(" -----------") final = original[: original.index(" Attributes") + 2] final.extend([x for x in attributes if x.strip()]) cls.__doc__ = "\n".join(final) return cls
[docs]def find(iterable, **fields): """Finds the first item in the :attrs: iterable that has the :attrs: attr equal to :attrs: value. For example: game = find(client.get_all_games(), id=2) would find the first :class: Game whose id is 2 and return it. If no entry is found then None is returned. game = find(client.get_all_games(), name="John") would find the first :class: `Game` whose name is 'John'. If not entry is found then None is returned """ for e in iterable: if all(key in e.__dict__ for key in fields): if all(e.__dict__[key] == fields[key] for key in fields): return e return None
[docs]def get(iterable, **fields): """Returns a list of items in the :attrs: iterable that have the :attrs: attr equal to :attrs: value. For example: game = get(client.get_all_games(), id=2) would find the all :class: Game whose id is 2 and return them as a list. If no entry is found then the empty list is returned. game = find(client.get_all_games(), name="John") would find all :class: `Game` whose name is 'John'. If not entry is found then an empty list is returned """ e_list = [] for e in iterable: if all(key in e.__dict__ for key in fields): if all(e.__dict__[key] == fields[key] for key in fields): e_list.append(e) return e_list
_lib_to_api = { "maturity": "maturity_option", "date": "date_added", "metadata": "metadata_blob", "key": "metakey", "value": "metavalue", "type": "event_type", "presentation": "presentation_option", "curation": "curation_option", "community": "community_options", "submission": "submission_option", "revenue": "revenue_options", "api": "api_access_options", "ugc": "ugc_name", "profile": "profile_url", "homepage": "homepage_url", "submitter": "submitted_by", "live": "date_live", "updated": "date_updated", "team_id": "id", "kvp": "metadata_kvp", "expires": "date_expires", "mod": "mod_id", "game": "game_id", "file": "modfile", "virus": "virus_positive", "size": "filesize", "hash": "filehash", "rank": "popularity_rank_position", "rank_total": "popularity_rank_position", "downloads": "downloads_total", "subscribers": "subscribers_total", "positive": "ratings_positive", "negative": "ratings_negative", "sort_downloads": "downloads", "sort_popular": "popular", "sort_subscribers": "subscribers", "sort_rating": "rating", "member_id": "id", "parent": "reply_id", "position": "thread_position", "tz": "timezone", "lang": "language", } def _clean_and_convert(fields): new_fields = {} for key, value in fields.items(): try: key = _lib_to_api[key] except KeyError: pass if isinstance(value, enum.Enum): value = value.value elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): value = value.total_seconds() elif hasattr(value, "id"): value = new_fields[key] = value return new_fields def _convert_date(time): return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time)
[docs]def ratelimit_retry(max_retries): def wrapper(func): @wraps(func) def retry_logic(*args, **kwargs): for _ in range(max_retries): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except modioException as e: if e.code != 429 or args[0].ratelimit_max_sleep == 0: raise e error = e raise error return retry_logic return wrapper
[docs]def async_ratelimit_retry(max_retries): def wrapper(func): @wraps(func) async def retry_logic(*args, **kwargs): for _ in range(max_retries): try: return await func(*args, **kwargs) except modioException as e: if e.code != 429 or args[0].ratelimit_max_sleep == 0: raise e error = e raise error return retry_logic return wrapper