Source code for modio.objects

"""Module for user instanced classes."""

import datetime
import enum
import hashlib
import typing
import typing_extensions

from .enums import EventType, Maturity, Visibility
from .utils import _lib_to_api

[docs]class NewMod: """This class is unique to the library, it represents a mod to be submitted. The class must be instantiated with the appropriate parameters and then passed to game.add_mod(). Parameters ----------- name : str Name of the mod. name_id : Optional[str] Subdomain name for the mod. Optional, if not specified the name will be use. Cannot exceed 80 characters summary : str Brief overview of the mod, cannot exceed 250 characters. description : Optional[str] Detailed description of the mod, supports HTML. homepage : Optional[str] Official homepage for your mod. Must be a valid URL. Optional stock : Optional[int] Maximium number of subscribers for this mod. Optional, if not included disables metadata : Optional[str] Metadata stored by developers which may include properties on how information required. Optional. E.g. `"rogue,hd,high-res,4k,hd textures"` maturity : Optional[Maturity] Choose if the mod contains mature content. visible : Optional[Visibility] Visibility status of the mod logo : str Path to the file. If on windows, must have \\ escaped. """ def __init__(self, **attrs): = attrs.pop("name") self.name_id = attrs.pop("name_id", None) self.summary = attrs.pop("summary") self.description = attrs.pop("description", None) self.homepage = attrs.pop("homepage", None) self.metadata_blob = attrs.pop("metadata", None) self.stock = attrs.pop("stock", 0) self.maturity_option = attrs.pop("maturity", Maturity.none).value self.visible = attrs.pop("visible", Visibility.public).value self.logo = attrs.pop("logo") self.tags = set()
[docs] def add_tags(self, *tags): """Used to add tags to the mod, returns self for fluid chaining. Parameters ----------- tags : List[str] List of tags, duplicate tags will be ignord. """ self.tags = self.tags | set(tags) return self
[docs]class NewModFile: """This class is unique to the library and represents a file to be submitted. The class must be instantiated and then passed to mod.add_file(). Parameters ----------- version : str Version of the mod that this file represents changelog : str Changelog for the release active : Optional[bool] Label this upload as the current release. Optional, if not included defaults to True. metadata : str Metadata stored by the game developer which may include properties such as what version of the game this file is compatible with. """ def __init__(self, **attrs): self.version = attrs.pop("version") self.changelog = attrs.pop("changelog") = attrs.pop("active", True) self.metadata_blob = attrs.pop("metadata", None) self.file = None self.filehash = None def _file_hash(self, file): hash_md5 = hashlib.md5() with open(file, "rb") as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""): hash_md5.update(chunk) return hash_md5.hexdigest()
[docs] def add_file(self, path): """Used to add a file. The binary file for the release. For compatibility you should ZIP the base folder of your mod, or if it is a collection of files which live in a pre-existing game folder, you should ZIP those files. Your file must meet the following conditions: - File must be zipped and cannot exceed 10GB in filesize - Mods which span multiple game directories are not supported unless the game manages this - Mods which overwrite files are not supported unless the game manages this Parameters ----------- path : str Path to file, if on windows must be \\ escaped. """ self.file = path self.filehash = self._file_hash(path) return self
[docs]class Filter: """.. _filter: This class is unique to the library and is an attempt to make filtering modio data easier. Instead of passing filter keywords directly you can pass an instance of this class which you have previously fine tuned through the various methods. For advanced users it is also possible to pass filtering arguments directly to the class given that they are already in modio format. If you don't know the modio format simply use the methods, all method return self for fluid chaining. This is also used for sorting and pagination. These instances can be save and reused at will. Attributes which can be used as filters will be marked as "Filter attributes" in the docs for the class the endpoint returns an array of. E.g. ID is marked as a filter argument for in the class Game and therefore in get_games() it can be used a filter. Parameters ---------- filters : Optional[dict] A dict which contains modio filter keyword and the appropriate value. """ def __init__(self, filters=None): if filters is None: filters = {} self._q = None self._sort = None self._limit = None self._offset = None for key, value in filters.items(): self._set(key, value) def __repr__(self): return f"< Filter filters={self.__dict__}>" def _set(self, key, value, text="{}"): try: key = _lib_to_api[key] except KeyError: pass if key == "event_type": if value.value < 8: value = f"MOD{'_' if value != EventType.file_changed else ''}{}" else: value = f"USER_{}" if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): value = int(value.timestamp()) if isinstance(value, enum.Enum): value = value.value setattr(self, text.format(key), value)
[docs] def text(self, query): """Full-text search is a lenient search filter that is only available if the endpoint you are querying contains a name column. Parameters ----------- query : str The words to identify. filter.text("The Lord of the Rings") - This will return every result where the name column contains any of the following words: 'The', 'Lord', 'of', 'the', 'Rings'. """ self._q = query return self
[docs] def equals(self, **kwargs): """The simpliest filter you can apply is columnname equals. This will return all rows which contain a column matching the value provided. There are not set parameters, this methods takes any named keywords and transforms them into arguments that will be passed to the request. E.g. 'id=10' or 'name="Best Mod"' """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): self._set(key, value) return self
[docs] def not_equals(self, **kwargs): """Where the preceding column value does not equal the value specified. There are not set parameters, this methods takes any named keywords and transforms them into arguments that will be passed to the request. E.g. 'id=10' or 'name="Best Mod"' """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): self._set(key, value, "{}-not") return self
[docs] def like(self, **kwargs): """Where the string supplied matches the preceding column value. This is equivalent to SQL's LIKE. Consider using wildcard's * for the best chance of results as described below. There are not set parameters, this methods takes any named keywords and transforms them into arguments that will be passed to the request. E.g. 'id=10' or 'name="Best Mod"' """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): self._set(key, value, "{}-lk") return self
[docs] def not_like(self, **kwargs): """Where the string supplied does not match the preceding column value. This is equivalent to SQL's NOT LIKE. This is equivalent to SQL's LIKE. Consider using wildcard's * for the best chance of results as described below. There are not set parameters, this methods takes any named keywords and transforms them into arguments that will be passed to the request. E.g. 'id=10' or 'name="Best Mod"' """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): self._set(key, value, "{}-not-lk") return self
[docs] def values_in(self, **kwargs): """Where the supplied list of values appears in the preceding column value. This is equivalent to SQL's IN. There are not set parameters, this methods takes any named keywords and values as lists and transforms them into arguments that will be passed to the request. E.g. 'id=[10, 3, 4]' or 'name=["Best","Mod"]' """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): self._set(key, ",".join(str(x) for x in value), "{}-in") return self
[docs] def values_not_in(self, **kwargs): """Where the supplied list of values does NOT appears in the preceding column value. This is equivalent to SQL's NOT IN. There are not set parameters, this methods takes any named keywords and values as lists and transforms them into arguments that will be passed to the request. E.g. 'id=[10, 3, 4]' or 'name=["Best","Mod"]' """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): self._set(key, ",".join(str(x) for x in value), "{}-not-in") return self
[docs] def max(self, **kwargs): """Where the preceding column value is smaller than or equal to the value specified. There are not set parameters, this methods takes any named keywords and transforms them into arguments that will be passed to the request. E.g. 'game_id=40' """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): self._set(key, value, "{}-max") return self
[docs] def min(self, **kwargs): """Where the preceding column value is greater than or equal to the value specified. There are not set parameters, this methods takes any named keywords and transforms them into arguments that will be passed to the request. E.g. 'game_id=40' """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): self._set(key, value, "{}-min") return self
[docs] def smaller_than(self, **kwargs): """Where the preceding column value is smaller than the value specified. There are not set parameters, this methods takes any named keywords and transforms them into arguments that will be passed to the request. E.g. 'game_id=40' """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): self._set(key, value, "{}-st") return self
[docs] def greater_than(self, **kwargs): """Where the preceding column value is greater than the value specified. There are not set parameters, this methods takes any named keywords and transforms them into arguments that will be passed to the request. E.g. 'game_id=40' """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): self._set(key, value, "{}-gt") return self
[docs] def bitwise(self, **kwargs): """Some columns are stored as bits within an integer. You can combine any number of options for the column of the object you are querying. This is dependent on which item is being queried. These can be added together to check for multiple options at once. E.g if Option A: 1 and Option B: 2 then submitting 3 will return items that have both option A and B enabled. """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): self._set(key, value, "{}-bitwise-and") return self
[docs] def sort(self, key, *, reverse=False): """Allows you to sort the results by the value of a top level column with a single value. Parameters ---------- key : str The column by which to sort the results reverse : Optional[bool] Optional, defaults to False. Whether to sort by ascending (False) or descending (True) order. """ self._sort = key if not reverse else f"-{key}" return self
[docs] def limit(self, limit): """Allows to limit the amount of results returned per query. Parameters ----------- limit : int Limit of returned results for the query """ self._limit = limit return self
[docs] def offset(self, offset): """Allows to offset the first result by a certain amount. Parameters ---------- offset : int The number of results to skip. """ self._offset = offset return self
[docs] def get_dict(self): """Utility methods to get all filters while omitting None values Returns --------- Dict[str, Union[str, int]] The dict of filters """ return {key: value for key, value in self.__dict__.items() if value is not None}
Result = typing.TypeVar("Result")
[docs]class Returned(typing_extensions.NamedTuple, typing.Generic[Result]): """A named tuple returned by certain methods which return multiple results and need to return pagination data along with it. Attributes ---------- results : List[Result] The list of results returned. This is typed accordingly to the method that returns it. pagination : Pagination Pagination metadata attached to the results """ results: typing.List[Result] pagination: Pagination
[docs]class Object: """A dud class that can be used to replace other classes, keyword arguments passed will become attributes. """ def __init__(self, **attrs): self.__dict__.update(attrs) def __repr__(self): return str(self.__dict__)